rectanglesViewerElement static method

ViewerElement<List<Rectangle<num>>> rectanglesViewerElement(
  1. List<Rectangle<num>> rectangles, [
  2. Color? color,
  3. int? strokeSize

Converts a List<Rectangle<num>> to ViewerElement< List<Rectangle<num>> >.

color Optional color to render the element. strokeSize Optional stroke size to render the element.


static ViewerElement<List<Rectangle<num>>> rectanglesViewerElement(
    List<Rectangle<num>> rectangles,
    [Color? color,
    int? strokeSize]) {
  return ViewerElement<List<Rectangle<num>>>(rectangles, color,
      strokeSize: strokeSize,
      valueCopier: (value) => value
          ?.map((r) => Rectangle<num>(r.left,, r.width, r.height))