ClassReflectionExtension<O> extension

ClassReflection extension.



entityHandler ClassReflectionEntityHandler<O>
Returns a ClassReflectionEntityHandler for instances of this reflected class (classType).
no setter


allFieldsValids({O? obj}) bool
apiMethods() List<MethodReflection<O, dynamic>>
Lists the API methods of this reflected class. See MethodReflectionExtension.isAPIMethod.
checkAllFieldsValues<V>({O? obj}) → void
checkFieldValue<V>(String key, {O? obj, V? value, bool nullValue = false}) → void
createFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, {EntityProvider? entityProvider, EntityCache? entityCache, EntityResolutionRules? resolutionRules}) FutureOr<O>
Creates an instance O from map.
createFromMapSync(Map<String, dynamic> map, {EntityProvider? entityProvider, EntityCache? entityCache, EntityResolutionRules? resolutionRules}) → O
isValidFieldValue<V>(String key, {O? obj, V? value, bool nullValue = false}) bool
toEntityReference([O? obj]) EntityReference<O>
toEntityReferenceList(List<O> entities) EntityReferenceList<O>
toList([O? obj]) List<O>
validateAllFields<V>({O? obj}) Map<String, EntityFieldInvalid>?
validateFieldValue<V>(String key, {O? obj, V? value, bool nullValue = false}) EntityFieldInvalid?