fromJsonAsync<T> static method

FutureOr<T?> fromJsonAsync<T>(
  1. Object? o, {
  2. Type? type,
  3. TypeInfo? typeInfo,
  4. JsomMapDecoder? jsomMapDecoder,
  5. EntityHandlerProvider? entityHandlerProvider,
  6. EntityCache? entityCache,
  7. bool? autoResetEntityCache,

Converts o to type allowing async calls (Future and FutureOr).


static FutureOr<T?> fromJsonAsync<T>(Object? o,
    {Type? type,
    TypeInfo? typeInfo,
    JsomMapDecoder? jsomMapDecoder,
    EntityHandlerProvider? entityHandlerProvider,
    EntityCache? entityCache,
    bool? autoResetEntityCache}) {
  var jsonDecoder =
      _buildJsonDecoder(jsomMapDecoder, entityHandlerProvider, entityCache);

  return jsonDecoder.fromJsonAsync<T>(o,
      type: type,
      typeInfo: typeInfo,
      autoResetEntityCache: autoResetEntityCache);