FieldBondFormState extension

Extension methods for BondFormState providing convenience operations.

The FieldBondFormState extension adds methods to BondFormState to simplify retrieving field states from the form state.

Example usage:

// Retrieve the state of a text field.
final phoneNumberFieldState = state.textField('phoneNumber');




asyncDropDownField<T>(String fieldName) AsyncDropDownFieldState<T>
Retrieves the state of the async dropdown field for a specified fieldName.
asyncDropDownItems<T>(String fieldName) Future<List<DropDownItemState<T>>>
Retrieves the list of dropdown items for a specified fieldName.
checkbox(String fieldName) CheckboxFieldState<bool>
Retrieves the state of the checkbox field for a specified fieldName.
checkboxesOf<T>(String fieldName) List<CheckboxFieldState<T>>
Retrieves a list of CheckboxFieldState for a specified fieldName.
checkboxGroup<T>(String fieldName) CheckboxGroupFieldState<T>
Retrieves the state of the checkbox group field for a specified fieldName.
dateField(String fieldName) DateFieldState
Retrieves the state of the date field for a specified fieldName.
Retrieves the state of the dropdown field for a specified fieldName.
Retrieves the list of dropdown items for a specified fieldName.
fileField(String fieldName) FileFieldState
Retrieves the state of the file field for a specified fieldName.
hiddenField<T>(String fieldName) HiddenFieldState<T>
Retrieves the hidden field state for a specified fieldName.
radioButtonsOf<T>(String fieldName) List<RadioButtonFieldState<T>>
Retrieves a list of RadioButtonFieldState for a specified fieldName.
radioGroup<T>(String fieldName) RadioGroupFieldState<T>
Retrieves the state of the radio group field for a specified fieldName.
textField(String fieldName) TextFieldState
Retrieves the TextFieldState for a given text field.