onRequest method

  1. @override
Future<void> onRequest(
  1. RequestOptions options,
  2. RequestInterceptorHandler handler

The callback will be executed before the request is initiated.

If you want to continue the request, call handler.next.

If you want to complete the request with some custom data, you can resolve a Response object with handler.resolve.

If you want to complete the request with an error message, you can reject a DioError object with handler.reject.


Future<void> onRequest(
    RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) async {
  // if request path is contained in [ignoredRoutes], do nothing
  if (ignoredRoutes.contains(options.path)) {
    var env = await _storageService.getBool('env');
    if (env == true) {
      options.baseUrl = 'https://prod-api.bodsquare.com/api/v1';
  // Else check for the token
  else {
    var env = await _storageService.getBool('env');
    if (env == true) {
      options.baseUrl = 'https://prod-api.bodsquare.com/api/v1';
    // If its absent,
    if (!options.headers.containsKey('Authorization')) {
      // var token = _dbService.token;
      var token = await _storageService.getString('token');

      // If its in cache, use it
      if (token != null) {
        //log('token gotten: $token');
        options.headers['AccessKey'] = 'Bearer $token';

        //log('Successfully added $token to header');
        return handler.next(options);
      } else {
        // return [ErrorResponse] asking for auth header.
        return handler.reject(
            error: 'Authorization header not found',
            requestOptions: options,
    } else {
      /* loggerNoStack.v(
          'Found token: Authorization: ${options.headers['Authorization']}'); */
  //log('onRequest: ${options.headers}');
  return super.onRequest(options, handler);