registerAgent method

Future<void> registerAgent(
  1. BlueZAgent agent, {
  2. DBusObjectPath? path,
  3. dynamic capability = BlueZAgentCapability.keyboardDisplay,

Registers an agent handler. A D-Bus object will be registered on path, which the user must choose to not collide with any other path on the D-Bus client that was passed in the BlueZClient constructor.


Future<void> registerAgent(BlueZAgent agent,
    {DBusObjectPath? path,
    var capability = BlueZAgentCapability.keyboardDisplay}) async {
  if (_agent != null) {
    throw 'Agent already registered';

  var object = _objects[DBusObjectPath('/org/bluez')];
  if (object == null) {
    throw 'Missing /org/bluez object required for agent registration';

  _agent = _BlueZAgentObject(
      this, agent, path ?? DBusObjectPath('/org/bluez/Agent'));
  await _bus.registerObject(_agent!);

  var capabilityString = {
        BlueZAgentCapability.displayOnly: 'DisplayOnly',
        BlueZAgentCapability.displayYesNo: 'DisplayYesNo',
        BlueZAgentCapability.keyboardOnly: 'KeyboardOnly',
        BlueZAgentCapability.noInputNoOutput: 'NoInputNoOutput',
        BlueZAgentCapability.keyboardDisplay: 'KeyboardDisplay',
      }[capability] ??

  await object.callMethod('org.bluez.AgentManager1', 'RegisterAgent',
      [_agent!.path, DBusString(capabilityString)],
      replySignature: DBusSignature(''));