
Bluetooth Manager it's a Android Plugin to control the bluetooth basics, turning on/off and get the state.

How to Start

Import the library

    import 'package:bluetooth_manager/bluetooth_manager.dart';

Use exemple

Example get bluetooth state

    // Get bluetooth state
    // return a BluetoothState
    // on, off and unknow
    BluetoothState bluetoothState =
                      await bluetoothManager.getBluetoothState();

Example listener bluetooth state

    // Get bluetooth state Listener
    // return a BluetoothState
    // on, off and unknow
    bluetoothManager.getBluetoothStateStream().listen((BluetoothState bluetoothState) {
        // Do your logic here...

Example turn on/off bluetooth

    // Enable bluetooth
    // you can call only await 
    // bluetoothManager.disableBluetooth() or await bluetoothManager.enableBluetooth()
    // if you don't want the response
    ActionResponse actionResponse = await bluetoothManager.disableBluetooth();
    // Disble bluetooth
    ActionResponse actionResponse = await bluetoothManager.enableBluetooth();