
A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy.



  • x Get/Listen the state of the central manager.
  • x Listen connection state cahgned.
  • x Listen GATT characteristic notified.
  • x Start/Stop discovery.
  • x Connect/Disconnect peripherals.
  • x Read RSSI of peripherals.
  • x Discover GATT.
  • x Read/Write GATT characteristics.
  • x Set GATT characteristics notify state.
  • x Read/Write GATT descriptors.


  • x Get/Listen the state of the peripheral manager.
  • x Listen GATT characteristic read/written/notifyStateChanged.
  • x Add/Remove/Clear service(s).
  • x Start/Stop advertising.
  • x Read/Write(Notify) GATT characteristics.

Getting Started

Add bluetooth_low_energy as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  bluetooth_low_energy: ^<latest-version>

Remember to call await CentralManager.setUp() and await PeripheralManager.setUp() before use any apis of this plugin.

Note: Bluetooth Low Energy doesn't work on emulators, so use physical devices which has bluetooth features for development.


Make sure you have a miniSdkVersion with 21 or higher in your android/app/build.gradle file.

iOS and macOS

According to Apple's documents, you must include the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription on or after iOS 13, and include the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key before iOS 13.

Note: The PeripheralManager#startAdvertising only support name and serviceUUIDs, see the startAdvertising document.

Note: When use bluetooth or other hardwares on macOS, developers need to configure the app sandbox.


PeripheralManager is not implemented because the bluez plugin doesn't support this yet, see How to use bluez to act as bluetooth peripheral.


PeripheralManager is not implemented, it will be implemented in the future.

Note: The CentralManager#readRSSI method is not implemented on windows(windows doesn't support read RSSI after connected), avoid call this when running on windows devices.


A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy, supports central and peripheral apis.