getClientMetadata function
Retrieves OAuth 2.0 client metadata from a client configuration endpoint.
This method fetches the client configuration using the client's metadata URL.
It follows RFC 7591 (OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration) and RFC 8414 (OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata) specifications for client metadata discovery.
The URL where the client's metadata can be retrieved.
This must be a valid URI that returns a JSON response containing the client configuration.
Returns a Future<OAuthClientMetadata> containing the parsed client configuration including redirect URIs, grant types, token endpoint auth method, and other OAuth-specific settings.
- ArgumentError in the following cases:
- When clientId is null or empty
- When clientId is not a valid URI
- OAuthException when:
- The HTTP request fails
- The server returns a non-200 status code
- The response cannot be parsed as valid client metadata
final metadata = await oauth.getClientMetadata(
print('Allowed redirect URIs: ${metadata.redirectUris}');
The returned OAuthClientMetadata typically includes:
- Client identifier
- Client authentication methods
- Authorized redirect URIs
- Allowed grant types
- Client name and description
- Client URI and logo URI
- Contacts
- Scope restrictions
- Other client-specific configuration
Note: The endpoint should be accessed over HTTPS to ensure secure transmission of client configuration data.
Future<OAuthClientMetadata> getClientMetadata(final String clientId) async {
if (clientId.isEmpty) throw ArgumentError.notNull(clientId);
if (Uri.tryParse(clientId) == null) throw ArgumentError.value(clientId);
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(clientId));
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw OAuthException(
'Failed to get client metadata: ${response.statusCode}',
return OAuthClientMetadata.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));