SubjectStatusView constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const SubjectStatusView({
  1. @Default(toolsOzoneModerationDefsSubjectStatusView) @JsonKey(name: r'$type') String $type,
  2. required int id,
  3. @USubjectStatusViewSubjectConverter() required USubjectStatusViewSubject subject,
  4. List<String>? subjectBlobCids,
  5. String? subjectRepoHandle,
  6. required DateTime updatedAt,
  7. required DateTime createdAt,
  8. @USubjectReviewStateConverter() required USubjectReviewState reviewState,
  9. String? comment,
  10. DateTime? muteUntil,
  11. DateTime? muteReportingUntil,
  12. String? lastReviewedBy,
  13. DateTime? lastReviewedAt,
  14. DateTime? lastReportedAt,
  15. DateTime? lastAppealedAt,
  16. @Default(false) bool takendown,
  17. @Default(false) bool appealed,
  18. DateTime? suspendUntil,
  19. List<String>? tags,
  20. @JsonKey(name: r'$unknown') Map<String, dynamic>? $unknown,


@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory SubjectStatusView({
  /// The unique namespace for this lex object.
  /// `tools.ozone.moderation.defs#subjectStatusView`
  @JsonKey(name: r'$type')
  String $type,
  required int id,
  required USubjectStatusViewSubject subject,
  List<String>? subjectBlobCids,
  String? subjectRepoHandle,

  /// Timestamp referencing when the last update was made to the
  /// moderation status of the subject
  required DateTime updatedAt,

  /// Timestamp referencing the first moderation status impacting event
  /// was emitted on the subject
  required DateTime createdAt,
  @USubjectReviewStateConverter() required USubjectReviewState reviewState,

  /// Sticky comment on the subject.
  String? comment,
  DateTime? muteUntil,
  DateTime? muteReportingUntil,
  String? lastReviewedBy,
  DateTime? lastReviewedAt,
  DateTime? lastReportedAt,

  /// Timestamp referencing when the author of the subject appealed a
  /// moderation action
  DateTime? lastAppealedAt,
  @Default(false) bool takendown,

  /// True indicates that the a previously taken moderator action was
  /// appealed against, by the author of the content. False indicates
  /// last appeal was resolved by moderators.
  @Default(false) bool appealed,
  DateTime? suspendUntil,
  List<String>? tags,

  /// Contains unknown objects not defined in Lexicon.
  @JsonKey(name: r'$unknown') Map<String, dynamic>? $unknown,
}) = _SubjectStatusView;