reserveSigningKey method

Future<XRPCResponse<ReserveSigningKeyOutput>> reserveSigningKey({
  1. String? did,
  2. Map<String, String>? $unknown,
  3. Map<String, String>? $headers,
  4. PostClient? $client,

Reserve a repo signing key, for use with account creation. Necessary so that a DID PLC update operation can be constructed during an account migraiton. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS. NOTE: this endpoint may change when full account migration is implemented.


Future<XRPCResponse<ReserveSigningKeyOutput>> reserveSigningKey({
  String? did,
  Map<String, String>? $unknown,
  Map<String, String>? $headers,
  PostClient? $client,
}) async =>
      headers: $headers,
      body: {
        if (did != null) 'did': did,
      to: const ReserveSigningKeyOutputConverter().fromJson,
      client: $client,