RepoService class final
Provides com.atproto.repo.*
- Available extensions
- RepoService(ATProtoServiceContext _ctx)
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
{String? repo, bool? validate, required List< UApplyWritesWrite> writes, String? swapCommit, Map<String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< ApplyWritesOutput> > - Apply a batch transaction of repository creates, updates, and deletes. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.
{String? repo, required NSID collection, String? rkey, bool? validate, required Map< String, dynamic> record, String? swapCommit, Map<String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< CreateRecordOutput> > - Create a single new repository record. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.
{String? repo, required NSID collection, required String rkey, String? swapRecord, String? swapCommit, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< DeleteRecordOutput> > - Delete a repository record, or ensure it doesn't exist. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.
{String? repo, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, GetClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< DescribeRepoOutput> > - Get information about an account and repository, including the list of collections. Does not require auth.
{String? repo, required NSID collection, required String rkey, String? cid, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, GetClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< GetRecordOutput> > - Get a single record from a repository. Does not require auth.
{required Uint8List bytes, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< EmptyData> > - Import a repo in the form of a CAR file. Requires Content-Length HTTP header to be set.
{int? limit, String? cursor, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, GetClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< ListMissingBlobsOutput> > - Returns a list of missing blobs for the requesting account. Intended to be used in the account migration flow.
{String? repo, required NSID collection, int? limit, String? cursor, String? rkeyStart, String? rkeyEnd, bool? reverse, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, GetClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< ListRecordsOutput> > - List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
{String? repo, required NSID collection, required String rkey, bool? validate, required Map< String, dynamic> record, String? swapRecord, String? swapCommit, Map<String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< PutRecordOutput> > - Write a repository record, creating or updating it as needed. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
{required Uint8List bytes, Map< String, String> ? $unknown, Map<String, String> ? $headers, PostClient? $client}) → Future<XRPCResponse< UploadBlobOutput> > - Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.