IdentityService class final

Provides com.atproto.identity.* endpoints.


IdentityService(ATProtoServiceContext _ctx)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getRecommendedDidCredentials({Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, GetClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<GetRecommendedDidCredentialsOutput>>
Describe the credentials that should be included in the DID doc of an account that is migrating to this service.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestPlcOperationSignature({Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, PostClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<EmptyData>>
Request an email with a code to in order to request a signed PLC operation. Requires Auth.
resolveHandle({required String handle, Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, GetClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<ResolveHandleOutput>>
Resolves a handle (domain name) to a DID.
signPlcOperation({String? token, List<String>? rotationKeys, List<String>? alsoKnownAs, Map<String, dynamic>? verificationMethods, Map<String, dynamic>? services, Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, PostClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<SignPlcOperationOutput>>
Signs a PLC operation to update some value(s) in the requesting DID's document.
submitPlcOperation({required Map<String, dynamic> operation, Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, PostClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<EmptyData>>
Validates a PLC operation to ensure that it doesn't violate a service's constraints or get the identity into a bad state, then submits it to the PLC registry
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateHandle({required String handle, Map<String, String>? $unknown, Map<String, String>? $headers, PostClient? $client}) Future<XRPCResponse<EmptyData>>
Updates the current account's handle. Verifies handle validity, and updates did:plc document if necessary. Implemented by PDS, and requires auth.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.