MutedWord constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const MutedWord({
  1. @Default(appBskyActorDefsMutedWord) @JsonKey(name: r'$type') String $type,
  2. String? id,
  3. required String value,
  4. @UMutedWordTargetConverter() required List<UMutedWordTarget> targets,
  5. @UMutedWordActorTargetConverter() UMutedWordActorTarget? actorTarget,
  6. DateTime? expiresAt,
  7. @JsonKey(name: r'$unknown') Map<String, dynamic>? $unknown,


@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory MutedWord({
  /// The unique namespace for this lex object.
  /// ``
  @Default(appBskyActorDefsMutedWord) @JsonKey(name: r'$type') String $type,
  String? id,

  /// The muted word itself.
  required String value,

  /// The intended targets of the muted word.
  @UMutedWordTargetConverter() required List<UMutedWordTarget> targets,

  /// Groups of users to apply the muted word to. If undefined, applies
  /// to all users.
  @UMutedWordActorTargetConverter() UMutedWordActorTarget? actorTarget,

  /// The date and time at which the muted word will expire and no
  /// longer be applied.
  DateTime? expiresAt,

  /// Contains unknown objects not defined in Lexicon.
  @JsonKey(name: r'$unknown') Map<String, dynamic>? $unknown,
}) = _MutedWord;