start method

Future<void> start(
  1. String destinationId

Start Tempo Tracking for destinationId provided.

An error will be returned if your App does not have Always location permission. If the Tempo is started successful, error will be returned as nil. However, if the Start Tempo fails, an error will be provided.


Future<void> start(String destinationId) {
  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    return BluedotPointSdkPlatform.instance.androidStartTempoTracking(destinationId, channelId, channelName, androidNotificationTitle,
        androidNotificationContent, androidNotificationId);
  } else if (Platform.isIOS){
    return BluedotPointSdkPlatform.instance.iOSStartTempoTracking(destinationId);
  } else {
    return BluedotPointSdkPlatform.instance.unimplementedError();