
Flutter plugin for Chia's BLS-Signatures.


To use this plugin, add bls_signatures_ffi as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.



Building bls-signatures require cmake version 3.14.0+, but most recent Android Studio shipped with cmake version 3.10.2, so you need to update cmake within SDK Manager in Android Studio.


iOS build C/C++ code with XCode instead of cmake. But you still need to download cmake nonetheless, to build bls-signatures. Make sure it's version is above 3.14.0.

Creating keys and signature

// Example seed, used to generate private key. Always use
// a secure RNG with sufficient entropy to generate a seed (at least 32 bytes).
final seed = Uint8List.fromList(<int>[
    0, 50, 6, 244, 24, 199,1, 25, 52, 88, 192, 19,
    18, 12, 89, 6, 220, 18, 102, 58, 209, 82, 12,
    62, 89, 110, 182, 9, 44, 20, 254, 22

// Create a scheme.
final scheme = AugSchemeMPL();

try {
    final sk = scheme.keyGen(seed);
    final pk = sk.g1Element();

    final message = Uint8List.fromList(
        <int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // Message is passed in as a byte vector
    final signature = scheme.sign(sk, message);

    // Verify the signature
    print('Verification result: ${scheme.verify(pk, message, signature)}');

    // Free all bls resource;;;;
} catch (e) {

Serializing keys and signatures to bytes

final skBytes = sk.serialize();
final pkBytes = pk.serialize();
final sigBytes = sig.serialize();

Loading keys and signature from bytes

// Takes int list of 32 bytes
final sk = PrivateKey.fromBytes(data: skBytes);

// Takes int list of 48 bytes
final pk = G1Element.fromBytes(data: pkBytes);

// Takes int list of 96 bytes
final sig = G2Element.fromBytes(data: sigBytes);

print(sk.hexString()); // 32 bytes printed in hex
print(pk.hexString()); // 48 bytes printed in hex
print(sig.hexString()); // 96 bytes printed in hex

Create aggregate signature

// Generate some more private keys.
final sk1 = scheme.keyGen(Uint8List.fromList(seed)..[0] = 1);
final sk2 = scheme.keyGen(Uint8List.fromList(seed)..[0] = 2);
final message2 = Uint8List.fromList(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// Generate first sig
final pk1 = sk1.g1Element();
final sig1 = scheme.sign(sk1, message);

// Generate second sig
final pk2 = sk2.g1Element();
final sig2 = scheme.sign(sk2, message2);

// Signatures can be non-interactively combined by anyone
final aggSig = scheme.aggregateSigs(<G2Element>[sig1, sig2]);

print('Verification result: ${scheme.aggregateVerify(
        <G1Element>[pk1, pk2], 
        <Uint8List>[message, message2], 

Arbitrary trees of aggregates

final sk3 = scheme.keyGen(Uint8List.fromList(seed)..[0] = 3);
final pk3 = sk3.g1Element();
final message3 = Uint8List.fromList(<int>[100, 2, 254, 88, 90, 45, 23]);
final sig3 = scheme.sign(sk3, message3);

final aggSigFinal = scheme.aggregateSigs(<G2Element>[aggSig, sig3]);
print('Verification result: ${scheme.aggregateVerify(
        <G1Element>[pk1, pk2, pk3], 
        <Uint8List>[message, message2, message3], 

Very fast verification with Proof of Possession scheme

// If the same message is signed, you can use Proof of Posession (PopScheme) for efficiency
// A proof of possession MUST be passed around with the PK to ensure security.

final popScheme = PopSchemeMPL();
final popSig1 = popScheme.sign(sk1, message);
final popSig2 = popScheme.sign(sk2, message);
final popSig3 = popScheme.sign(sk3, message);
final pop1 = popScheme.popProve(sk1);
final pop2 = popScheme.popProve(sk2);
final pop3 = popScheme.popProve(sk3);

print('Verification result: ${popScheme.popVerify(pk1, pop1)}');
print('Verification result: ${popScheme.popVerify(pk2, pop2)}');
print('Verification result: ${popScheme.popVerify(pk3, pop3)}');
final popSigAgg =
    popScheme.aggregateSigs(<G2Element>[popSig1, popSig2, popSig3]);
print('Verification result: ${popScheme.fastAggregateVerify(
    <G1Element>[pk1, pk2, pk3], message, popSigAgg)}');

// Aggregate public key, indistinguishable from a single public key
final popAggPk = pk1 + pk2 + pk3;
print('Verification result: ${popScheme.verify(popAggPk, message, popSigAgg)}');

// Aggregate private keys
final aggSk = PrivateKey.aggregate(<PrivateKey>[sk1, sk2, sk3]);
print('Verification result: ${popScheme.sign(aggSk, message) == popSigAgg}');

HD keys using EIP-2333

// You can derive 'child' keys from any key, to create arbitrary trees. 4 byte indeces are used.
// Hardened (more secure, but no parent pk -> child pk)
final masterSk = scheme.keyGen(seed);
final child = scheme.deriveChildSk(masterSk, 152);
final grandChild = scheme.deriveChildSk(child, 952);

// Unhardened (less secure, but can go from parent pk -> child pk), BIP32 style
final masterPk = masterSk.g1Element();
final childU = scheme.deriveChildSkUnhardened(masterSk, 22);
final grandChildU = scheme.deriveChildSkUnhardened(childU, 0);

final childUPk = scheme.deriveChildPkUnhardened(masterPk, 22);
final grandChildUPk = scheme.deriveChildPkUnhardened(childUPk, 0);
print('Verification result: ${grandChildUPk == grandChildU.g1Element()}');


Any instance created by this library WOULD NOT cleared from memory by Dart GC. For now, it's your responsibility to call free() of said instance. In the future, we might implement finalizer. Related issue: this and this.

Run tests

Running test require connected device (pyshical or emulator), then cd to example directory and run flutter drive.

cd example
flutter drive --driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart --target=test_driver/main.dart

