
This package to get Google Blogger Post and Page details from Blog using Blogger API.





Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows
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Platform integration

You don't need to include the google-services.json file in your app unless you are using Google services that require it. You do need to enable the Blogger API using Google Cloud Platform API manager, and Create New Project then Go to Credentials Page and Create New credentials For API Key.

How to Use

To use blogger_api, first start by importing the package.

import 'package:blogger_api/blogger_api.dart';
BloggerAPI bloggerAPI = BloggerAPI()

Get Blog Details By Id

    blogId: 'Your Blog Id', 
    apiKey: 'Your API Key' 

Return Type Future<BlogsModel>

Get All the Blog Details By Ids

    blogId: ['Your Blog Ids'], 
    apiKey: 'Your API Key' 

Return Type Future<List<BlogsModel>>

Get All the Post Details By Blog Id

    blogId: 'Your Blog Ids', 
    apiKey: 'Your API Key',
    maxresult: 1,
    includeComment: false // If need you can read all the Comments from Posts.

Return Type Future<PostModel>

Get All the Page Details By Blog Id

    blogId: 'Your Blog Ids', 
    apiKey: 'Your API Key',
    maxresult: 1

Return Type Future<PageModel>

Author and Replies included in PostItemModel so can you read author and replies from Posts

Project Created & Maintained By


Passionate #Flutter, #Android Developer. #UI Designer.

linkedin medium

Issues, questions and contributing

You can raise issues here. Contributions are also welcome. You can do a pull request on GitHub here. Please take a look at up for grabs issues first.

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