render function

Image render({
  1. required String content,
  2. int backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFFFF,
  3. int? primaryColor,
  4. int size = 256,
  5. double margin = .12,
  6. int blockAmount = 5,

Render an Image that is automatically generated based off the SHA-512 of the content you specify. As a result, barring any changes in the algorithm between releases, if you specify the same parameters, the resulting image will be the same.

It will be rendered at a size of size*size which must be a positive and even integer. This defaults to a 256x256 image.

It will have the specified backgroundColor which should be a 32-bit ARGB integer. By default, this is white or 0xFFFFFFFF.

There will be a square of blocks that is blockAmountxblockAmount large where each "block" is of equivalent size. This often looks better as an odd number and defaults to 5 and must be no greater than 8.

These "blocks" will be a single color: either the primaryColor you specify or a color generated from the last few bytes of the generated hash.

You can control the margin outside of the block of "blocks" by specifying a decimal margin which if not in the range of 0-1 will be clamped to fit.


Image render(
    {required final String content,
    final int backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFFFF,
    int? primaryColor,
    final int size = 256,
    final double margin = .12,
    final int blockAmount = 5}) {
  if (blockAmount < 1 || blockAmount > 8) {
    throw RangeError.value(
        blockAmount, 'blockAmount', 'blockAmount must be between 1 and 8.');

  if (size <= 1) {
    throw RangeError.value(size, 'size', 'size must be greater than 0.');

  if (size.isOdd) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        size, 'size', 'The size of the image must be even.');

  final data = sha512.convert(utf8.encode(content)).bytes;

  if (primaryColor == null) {
    final amount = data.length;
    var lastTwoWords = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      lastTwoWords += data[amount - i - 1] << (i * 8);
    primaryColor = lastTwoWords;

  final image = Image(size, size);

  fillRect(image, 0, 0, size - 1, size - 1, backgroundColor);

  margin.clamp(0, 1);

  final marginSize = (size * margin).toInt();
  final blockSize = (size - (marginSize * 2)) ~/ blockAmount;

  void drawCellRect(int x, int y, final int color) {
    x = x * blockSize + marginSize;
    y = y * blockSize + marginSize;
    fillRect(image, x, y, x + blockSize - 1, y + blockSize - 1, color);

  final evenMiddle = blockAmount.isEven;
  final columns = (blockAmount / 2).ceil();

  for (var x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
    for (var y = 0; y < blockAmount; y++) {
      // Choose to include the block if its byte is odd
      if (data[x * blockAmount + y].isEven) continue;

      drawCellRect(x, y, primaryColor);
      if (x == columns - 1) {
        if (evenMiddle) {
          drawCellRect(x + 1, y, primaryColor);
      } else {
        drawCellRect(blockAmount - x - 1, y, primaryColor);

  return image;