bigintToBytesWithPadding static method
Converts a BigInt 'num' into a List<int>
of bytes with a specified 'order'.
This method converts 'num' into a hexadecimal string, ensuring it's at least
'l' bytes long, and then creates a List<int>
of bytes from this hexadecimal
Returns a List<int>
containing the bytes of 'num' with a length determined
by 'order'.
static List<int> bigintToBytesWithPadding(BigInt x, BigInt order) {
String hexStr = x.toRadixString(16);
final int hexLen = hexStr.length;
final int byteLen = (order.bitLength + 7) ~/ 8;
if (hexLen < byteLen * 2) {
hexStr = '0' * (byteLen * 2 - hexLen) + hexStr;
return BytesUtils.fromHexString(hexStr);