XrpVerifier.fromKeyBytes constructor
- List<
int> keyBytes, - EllipticCurveTypes curve
Factory method to create an XrpVerifier instance from key bytes and curve type.
This factory method takes a list of key bytes keyBytes
and an EllipticCurveTypes curve
as input, and returns a new XrpVerifier instance based on the specified curve type and key bytes.
The bytes representing the public key.
The elliptic curve type of the public key.
factory XrpVerifier.fromKeyBytes(
List<int> keyBytes, EllipticCurveTypes curve) {
switch (curve) {
case EllipticCurveTypes.ed25519:
final pub = Ed25519PublicKey.fromBytes(keyBytes);
final verifyingKey = EDDSAPublicKey(
_XrpSignerConst.ed25519Generator, pub.compressed.sublist(1));
return XrpVerifier._(verifyingKey, null);
case EllipticCurveTypes.secp256k1:
final point = ProjectiveECCPoint.fromBytes(
curve: _XrpSignerConst.secp256.curve, data: keyBytes, order: null);
final verifyingKey = ECDSAPublicKey(_XrpSignerConst.secp256, point);
return XrpVerifier._(null, ECDSAVerifyKey(verifyingKey));
throw MessageException(
"xrp signer support ${EllipticCurveTypes.secp256k1.name} or ${EllipticCurveTypes.ed25519} private key");