publicKey method

SchnorrkelPublicKey publicKey()

The publicKey method derives the corresponding public key from the Schnorrkel secret key.

This method follows the process of computing the public key by first converting the secret key to a big integer, performing scalar multiplication with the Ed25519 generator point, and converting the resulting point to a RistrettoPoint format. Finally, the public key is returned as a SchnorrkelPublicKey instance.

Returns: A SchnorrkelPublicKey representing the derived public key associated with this Schnorrkel secret key.


SchnorrkelPublicKey publicKey() {
  /// Convert the secret key to a big integer in little-endian byte order.
  final tobig = BigintUtils.fromBytes(key(), byteOrder: Endian.little);

  /// Perform scalar multiplication with the Ed25519 generator point.
  final gn = Curves.generatorED25519 * tobig;

  /// Convert the result to a RistrettoPoint format.
  final pubPoint = RistrettoPoint.fromEdwardsPoint(gn);

  /// Convert the RistrettoPoint point to bytes and create a Schnorrkel public key.
  final pubBytes = pubPoint.toBytes();
  return SchnorrkelPublicKey(pubBytes);