hash static method

List<int> hash(
  1. List<int> data, [
  2. int digestLength = 64,
  3. Blake2bConfig? config

Computes the BLAKE2b hash of the given input data.

This method creates a BLAKE2b instance with optional configuration, updates it with the input data, and then computes the hash digest. After hashing, the instance is cleaned to remove sensitive data.


  • data: The input data to be hashed.
  • digestLength: The length of the hash digest in bytes (default is 64 bytes).
  • config: Optional configuration for BLAKE2b (e.g., key, salt, personalization).

Returns: A List<int> containing the computed BLAKE2b hash digest.


static List<int> hash(List<int> data,
    [int digestLength = 64, Blake2bConfig? config]) {
  final h = BLAKE2b(digestLength: digestLength, config: config);
  final digest = h.digest();
  return digest;