EDPoint constructor

  1. required CurveED curve,
  2. required BigInt x,
  3. required BigInt y,
  4. required BigInt z,
  5. required BigInt t,
  6. BigInt? order,
  7. bool generator = false,

Constructor for creating an EDPoint with explicit coordinates and optional parameters.

This constructor creates an Edwards curve point with the specified curve and coordinates.


  • curve: The Edwards curve associated with the point.
  • x: The x-coordinate of the point.
  • y: The y-coordinate of the point.
  • z: The z-coordinate of the point.
  • t: The t-coordinate of the point.
  • order: The order of the point (optional).
  • generator: A flag indicating if this point is a generator point (default is false).

Additional Information:

  • The _coords list is initialized with the provided coordinates x, y, z, t.
  • The _precompute list is initialized as an empty constant list.


    {required this.curve,
    required BigInt x,
    required BigInt y,
    required BigInt z,
    required BigInt t,
    this.generator = false})
    : _coords = [x, y, z, t],
      _precompute = const [];