toAffine method

AffinePointt toAffine()

Converts the projective point to an affine point.

y and z represent the current y and z coordinates.

If y is zero or z is zero, the method returns an infinity point.

The point is scaled using the scale method, and the scaled x and y coordinates are assigned to x and yAffine respectively. An affine point is then created with the updated coordinates and returned.


AffinePointt toAffine() {
  ///  Current y-coordinate
  final y = _coords[1];

  ///  Current z-coordinate
  final z = _coords[2];

  if (y == || z == {
    return AffinePointt.infinity(curve);

  /// Scale the point to its affine form

  /// Scaled x-coordinate
  final x = _coords[0];

  /// Affine y-coordinate
  final yAffine = y;

  return AffinePointt(curve, x, yAffine, order: order);