encode static method

String encode(
  1. List<int> privKey, {
  2. List<int> netVer = const [],
  3. PubKeyModes pubKeyMode = PubKeyModes.compressed,

Encodes a private key into a WIF string.

The privKey is the private key to be encoded, and netVer is an optional list of network version bytes. By default, it's an empty list.

The pubKeyMode determines the mode of the associated public key, where WifPubKeyModes.compressed represents the compressed mode.

Returns the WIF-encoded private key as a string.


static String encode(List<int> privKey,
    {List<int> netVer = const [],
    PubKeyModes pubKeyMode = PubKeyModes.compressed}) {
  final prv = Secp256k1PrivateKeyEcdsa.fromBytes(privKey);

  List<int> privKeyBytes = prv.raw;

  if (pubKeyMode == PubKeyModes.compressed) {
    privKeyBytes =
        List<int>.from([...privKeyBytes, WifConst.comprPubKeySuffix]);
  privKeyBytes = List<int>.from([...netVer, ...privKeyBytes]);

  return Base58Encoder.checkEncode(privKeyBytes);