generate method
Generates a seed from the mnemonic, with optional passphrase and salt. If validateTonMnemonic is true, it validates the mnemonic before generating the seed.
List<int> generate(
{String password = "",
String salt = _TonSeedGeneratorConst.defaultTonSalt,
bool validateTonMnemonic = false}) {
if (validateTonMnemonic) {
TomMnemonicValidator().validate(mnemonic, password: password);
/// Generates entropy from the mnemonic and passphrase.
final hash =
TonEntropyGeneratorUtils.generateEnteropy(mnemonic, password: password);
/// Derives a key using PBKDF2 with the generated hash, salt, and a specified number of iterations.
return QuickCrypto.pbkdf2DeriveKey(
password: hash,
salt: StringUtils.encode(salt),
iterations: _TonSeedGeneratorConst.seedPbkdf2Rounds);