encode method
Encode the provided value
as a Compact Uint (CUint) in Substrate SCALE format.
This method takes an unsigned integer value value
, encodes it as a Compact Uint (CUint)
in Substrate SCALE format, and returns the encoded value as a List
List<int> encode(String value) {
final v = BigInt.parse(value);
if (v <= SubstrateScaleCUintEncoderConst.singleByteModeMaxVal) {
return BigintUtils.toBytes(v << 2, length: 1, order: Endian.little);
if (v <= SubstrateScaleCUintEncoderConst.twoByteModeMaxVal) {
return BigintUtils.toBytes((v << 2) | BigInt.from(0x01),
length: 2, order: Endian.little);
if (v <= SubstrateScaleCUintEncoderConst.fourByteModeMaxVal) {
return BigintUtils.toBytes((v << 2) | BigInt.from(0x02),
length: 4, order: Endian.little);
if (v <= SubstrateScaleCUintEncoderConst.bigIntegerModeMaxVal) {
final List<int> valueBytes = BigintUtils.toBytes(v,
order: Endian.little, length: BigintUtils.orderLen(v));
final List<int> lenBytes = IntUtils.toBytes(
(valueBytes.length - 4 << 2) | 0x03,
length: 1,
byteOrder: Endian.little);
return List<int>.from([...lenBytes, ...valueBytes]);
throw ArgumentException("Out of range integer value ($value)");