computeChainCode property

List<int> get computeChainCode

Computes the chain code based on the path element and its data type.


List<int> get computeChainCode {
  SubstrateScaleEncoderBase? scaleEnc;
  final BigInt? toInt = BigInt.tryParse(elem);
  if (toInt != null) {
    final bitLen = toInt.bitLength;
    for (final minBitLen in SubstratePathConst.scaleIntEncoders.keys) {
      if (bitLen <= minBitLen) {
        scaleEnc = SubstratePathConst.scaleIntEncoders[minBitLen];

    if (scaleEnc == null) {
      throw SubstratePathError("Invalid integer bit length ($bitLen)");
  } else {
    scaleEnc = const SubstrateScaleBytesEncoder();

  final encData = scaleEnc.encode(elem);
  const maxLen = SubstratePathConst.encodedElemMaxByteLen;
  if (encData.length > maxLen) {
    return QuickCrypto.blake2b256Hash(encData);
  } else {
    return List<int>.from(
        encData.toList() + List.filled(maxLen - encData.length, 0));