bytesChunkToWords static method

List<String> bytesChunkToWords(
  1. List<int> bytesChunk,
  2. MnemonicWordsList wordsList, {
  3. Endian endian = Endian.big,

Converts a chunk of bytes into a list of three words using a provided word list.

The bytesChunk is converted into an integer and then divided into three indices within the specified wordsList. The resulting words are returned as a list.

You can also specify the endian order for interpreting the bytes.

Example usage:

final words = MnemonicUtils.bytesChunkToWords(List<int>.from([0, 1, 2, 3]), wordsList);


static List<String> bytesChunkToWords(
    List<int> bytesChunk, MnemonicWordsList wordsList,
    {Endian endian = Endian.big}) {
  final n = wordsList.length();

  final intChunk = IntUtils.fromBytes(bytesChunk, byteOrder: endian);
  final word1Idx = intChunk % n;
  final word2Idx = ((intChunk ~/ n) + word1Idx) % n;
  final word3Idx = ((intChunk ~/ (n * n) + word2Idx)) % n;

  return [