Bip32Base.fromExtendedKey constructor

  1. String exKeyStr, [
  2. Bip32KeyNetVersions? keyNetVer

Creates a BIP-32 key from an extended key string.

The exKeyStr parameter represents the extended key string, and the optional keyNetVer specifies the key network version.


Bip32Base.fromExtendedKey(String exKeyStr, [Bip32KeyNetVersions? keyNetVer]) {
  keyNetVer ??= defaultKeyNetVersion;
  final deserKey =
      Bip32KeyDeserializer.deserializeKey(exKeyStr, keyNetVer: keyNetVer);

  final keyBytes = deserKey.keyBytes;
  final Bip32KeyData keyData = deserKey.keyData;
  final isPublic = deserKey.isPublic;

  if (keyData.depth.depth == 0) {
    if (!keyData.parentFingerPrint.isMasterKey()) {
      throw Bip32KeyError(
          'Invalid extended master key (wrong fingerprint: ${keyData.parentFingerPrint.toHex()})');
    if (keyData.index.index != 0) {
      throw Bip32KeyError(
          'Invalid extended master key (wrong child index: ${keyData.index.toInt()})');
  _privKey = _initializePrivateKey(isPublic ? null : keyBytes,
      isPublic ? keyBytes : null, keyData, keyNetVer, curveType);
  _pubKey = _initializePublicKey(isPublic ? null : keyBytes,
      isPublic ? keyBytes : null, keyData, keyNetVer, curveType);