decodeAddr method

  1. @override
List<int> decodeAddr(
  1. String addr, [
  2. Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}

Decode a Stellar (XLM) address and return the public key.

This method decodes a Stellar address and extracts the public key part, returning it as a List<int>.

  • addr: The Stellar address to decode.
  • kwargs: A map of optional keyword arguments.
    • addr_type: The address type, either XlmAddrTypes.pubKey or XlmAddrTypes.privKey.

Throws an AddressConverterException if the address type is not valid or if there's a validation error.

Example usage:

final decoder = XlmAddrDecoder();
final publicKey = decoder.decodeAddr(addr, {'addr_type': XlmAddrTypes.pubKey});


List<int> decodeAddr(String addr, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
  final decodeAddress = decode(addr, kwargs);
  return decodeAddress.pubKeyBytes;