encodeKey method
Overrides the base class method to encode a public key as a P2PKH (Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash) address.
This method encodes a public key as a P2PKH address using Base58 encoding. It expects an optional map of keyword arguments with 'net_ver' specifying the network version bytes, 'base58_alph' for the Base58 alphabet, and 'pub_key_mode' for the public key mode. It validates the arguments, processes the public key as a Secp256k1 key, determines the public key mode (compressed or uncompressed), generates a hash160 of the public key, and encodes it as a P2PKH address using Base58.
- pubKey: The public key to be encoded as a P2PKH address.
- kwargs: Optional keyword arguments with 'net_ver' for the network version, 'base58_alph' for Base58 alphabet, and 'pub_key_mode' for the public key mode.
Returns: A String representing the Base58-encoded P2PKH address derived from the provided public key.
String encodeKey(List<int> pubKey, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
/// Validate network version, Base58 alphabet, and public key mode arguments.
AddrKeyValidator.validateAddressArgs<List<int>>(kwargs, "net_ver");
final List<int> netVerBytes = kwargs["net_ver"];
final alphabet = kwargs["base58_alph"] ?? Base58Alphabets.bitcoin;
if (alphabet is! Base58Alphabets) {
throw const AddressConverterException("invalid base58 alphabet");
final pubKeyModes = kwargs["pub_key_mode"] ?? PubKeyModes.compressed;
if (pubKeyModes is! PubKeyModes) {
throw const AddressConverterException("invalid pub key mode");
/// Validate and process the public key as a Secp256k1 key.
final publicKey = AddrKeyValidator.validateAndGetSecp256k1Key(pubKey);
/// Determine the public key bytes based on the selected mode.
final List<int> pubKeyBytes = pubKeyModes == PubKeyModes.compressed
? publicKey.compressed
: publicKey.uncompressed;
/// Calculate the hash160 of the public key.
final hash160 = QuickCrypto.hash160(pubKeyBytes);
/// Combine the network version and hash160 to form the address bytes.
return Base58Encoder.checkEncode(
List<int>.from([...netVerBytes, ...hash160]), alphabet);