encodePrefix static method

List<int> encodePrefix(
  1. ADAAddressType hdrType,
  2. int netTag,
  3. AdaStakeCredType credType, {
  4. AdaStakeCredType? stakeType,

Encodes the address prefix based on the header type and network tag. The prefix is a combination of the header type and network tag.


  • hdrType: The header type used for encoding (e.g., payment or reward).
  • netTag: The network tag representing the network (e.g., mainnet or testnet).

Returns: A byte array representing the address prefix.


static List<int> encodePrefix(
    ADAAddressType hdrType, int netTag, AdaStakeCredType credType,
    {AdaStakeCredType? stakeType}) {
  int hdr = (hdrType.header << 4) | credType.value << 4;
  if (hdrType == ADAAddressType.base && stakeType != null) {
    hdr |= stakeType.value << 5;

  hdr += netTag;
  return IntUtils.toBytes(hdr,
      length: IntUtils.bitlengthInBytes(hdr), byteOrder: Endian.little);