operator * method
Overrides the multiplication operator (*) to perform point scalar
multiplication. It multiplies the AffinePointt
instance by a scalar
and returns a new AffinePointt
representing the result.
Scalar multiplication is implemented using the double-and-add method, which
efficiently computes this * other
for positive other
. It also handles
the case where other
is zero or a multiple of the group order.
If other
is zero or a multiple of the group order, the result is the point
at infinity. For negative scalars, it negates the point before performing
Returns a new AffinePointt
representing the result of the scalar
AffinePointt operator *(BigInt other) {
BigInt leftmostBit(BigInt x) {
assert(x > BigInt.zero);
BigInt result = BigInt.one;
while (result <= x) {
result = BigInt.from(2) * result;
return result ~/ BigInt.from(2);
BigInt e = other;
if (e == BigInt.zero || (order != null && e % order! == BigInt.zero)) {
return AffinePointt(curve, BigInt.zero, BigInt.zero);
if (e < BigInt.zero) {
return -this * -e;
e *= BigInt.from(3);
final AffinePointt negativeSelf = AffinePointt(curve, x, -y, order: order);
BigInt i = leftmostBit(e) ~/ BigInt.from(2);
AffinePointt result = this;
while (i > BigInt.one) {
result = result.doublePoint();
if ((e & i) != BigInt.zero && (other & i) == BigInt.zero) {
result = (result + this) as AffinePointt;
if ((e & i) == BigInt.zero && (other & i) != BigInt.zero) {
result = (result + negativeSelf) as AffinePointt;
i = i ~/ BigInt.from(2);
return result;