bip/address/ada/ada library
- ADAAddressType
- ADAByronAddr
- ADAByronAddrAttrs
- ADAByronAddrConst
- Constants related to Ada Byron era addresses in Cardano.
- AdaByronAddrDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Byron address.
- ADAByronAddrPayload
- ADAByronAddrTypes
- Enum representing different address types used in the Ada Byron era.
- AdaByronIcarusAddrEncoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressEncoder for Ada Byron Icarus address.
- AdaByronLegacyAddrEncoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressEncoder for Ada Byron Legacy address.
- AdaGenericAddrDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Shelley address.
- AdaGenericAddrDecoderResult
- ADANetwork
- An enumeration of Ada Shelley address network tags.
- AdaPointerAddrEncoder
- AdaShelleyAddrConst
- Constants related to Ada Shelley addresses, including address human-readable prefixes.
- AdaShelleyAddrDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Shelley address.
- AdaShelleyAddrEncoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressEncoder for Ada Shelley address.
- AdaShelleyAddrUtils
- Utility class for encoding and decoding Ada Shelley addresses.
- AdaShelleyEnterpriseAddrEncoder
- AdaShelleyEnterpriseDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Shelley address.
- AdaShelleyPointerDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Shelley address.
- AdaShelleyStakingAddrDecoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressDecoder for Ada Shelley staking address.
- AdaShelleyStakingAddrEncoder
- Implementation of the BlockchainAddressEncoder for Ada Shelley staking address.
- AdaStakeCredential
- AdaStakeCredType
- Pointer