toBinary static method

String toBinary(
  1. BigInt value,
  2. int zeroPadBitLen

Converts a BigInt value to a binary string with optional zero padding.

This method converts a given BigInt value to its binary representation as a string. Optionally, you can specify the desired bit length by providing zeroPadBitLen. If provided, the method will pad the binary string with leading zeros to reach the specified bit length.


  • value: The BigInt value to be converted to binary.
  • zeroPadBitLen: The desired bit length for the binary representation (optional).

Returns: A binary string representation of the value, possibly zero-padded.


BigInt number = BigInt.parse('10');
int bitLength = 8; // Desired bit length
String binaryString = toBinary(number, bitLength);
print('Binary representation: $binaryString');

This method is useful for converting BigInt values to binary strings for various applications.


static String toBinary(BigInt value, int zeroPadBitLen) {
  String binaryStr = value.toRadixString(2);
  if (zeroPadBitLen > 0) {
    return binaryStr.padLeft(zeroPadBitLen, '0');
  } else {
    return binaryStr;