toDecimal method

String toDecimal({
  1. int? digits,

Converts this BigRational to its decimal representation.

digits The number of digits after the decimal point (default is the scale of the BigRational). Returns a string representing the decimal value, with the specified number of digits after the decimal point.


String toDecimal({int? digits}) {
  if (_inDecimal != null) {
    return _inDecimal!;
  digits ??= scale;
  final BigInt nDive = _truncate;
  final BigInt nReminder = _remainder;
  String intPart = nDive.abs().toString();
  final BigRational remainder = _reduce(nReminder.abs(), denominator);
  final BigRational shiftedRemainder =
      remainder * BigRational._(_ten.pow(digits), _one);
  final BigInt decPart =
      shiftedRemainder.numerator ~/ shiftedRemainder.denominator;
  if (isNegative) {
    intPart = "-$intPart";
  if (decPart == _zero) {
    return intPart;

  String decPartStr = decPart.abs().toString();
  if (decPartStr.length < digits) {
    decPartStr = '0' * (digits - decPartStr.length) + decPartStr;
  if ((shiftedRemainder.numerator % shiftedRemainder.denominator) == _zero) {
    while (decPartStr.endsWith('0')) {
      decPartStr = decPartStr.substring(0, decPartStr.length - 1);

  if (digits < 1) {
    return intPart;

  return '$intPart${decPart < _zero ? '' : '.'}$decPartStr';