derive method

List<int> derive(
  1. List<int> password,
  2. List<int> salt,
  3. int dkLen

Derives a key from the given password and salt using scrypt key derivation.

This method takes a password, a salt, and the desired derived key length (dkLen) as input and computes the derived key using the scrypt key derivation function. The derived key is returned as a List<int>.


  • password: The password to use as input for key derivation.
  • salt: A random salt value used to enhance security.
  • dkLen: The desired length (in bytes) of the derived key.

Returns: A derived key as a List<int>.


List<int> derive(List<int> password, List<int> salt, int dkLen) {
  final B = PBKDF2.deriveKey(
      mac: () => HMAC(() => SHA256(), password),
      salt: salt,
      iterations: 1,
      length: p * 128 * r);

  for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    final index = i * 128 * r;
    final copy = B.sublist(index);
    _smix(copy, r, n, _v, _xy);
    B.setAll(index, copy);

  final result = PBKDF2.deriveKey(
      mac: () => HMAC(() => SHA256(), password),
      salt: B,
      iterations: 1,
      length: dkLen);

  return result;