Scrypt constructor

  1. int n,
  2. int r,
  3. int p

Creates a new Scrypt instance for key derivation.

The Scrypt constructor initializes the parameters for scrypt key derivation, which includes the CPU/memory cost parameter (n), block size parameter (r), and parallelization parameter (p).


  • n: The CPU/memory cost parameter. It defines the general work factor for scrypt.
  • r: The block size parameter. It specifies the number of iterations and memory size used.
  • p: The parallelization parameter. It controls the amount of parallel processing.

Throws an ArgumentException if the parameters are out of the valid range or not a power of 2.


Scrypt(this.n, this.r, this.p) {
  if (p <= 0) {
    throw ArgumentException("scrypt: incorrect p");

  if (r <= 0) {
    throw ArgumentException("scrypt: incorrect r");

  if (n < 1 || n > 1 << 31) {
    throw ArgumentException('scrypt: N must be between 2 and 2^31');

  if (!_isPowerOfTwo(n)) {
    throw ArgumentException("scrypt: N must be a power of 2");

  const maxInt = (1 << 31) & mask32;

  if (r * p >= 1 << 30 ||
      r > maxInt ~/ 128 ~/ p ||
      r > maxInt ~/ 256 ||
      n > maxInt ~/ 128 ~/ r) {
    throw ArgumentException("scrypt: parameters are too large");

  _v = List<int>.filled(32 * (n + 2) * r, 0);
  _xy = List<int>.filled(_v.length - (32 * n * r), 0);