Strobe constructor

  1. String customizationString,
  2. StrobeSecParam security

Create a new instance of the Strobe protocol with the specified parameters.

This factory constructor is used to initialize a Strobe instance with the given customizationString and security level. It performs the necessary setup and configuration for the Strobe protocol with the specified security level.


  • customizationString: A string used to customize the Strobe instance.
  • security: The desired security level, which can be either 128 or 256 bits.

Returns: A new Strobe instance configured with the provided customizationString and security level.


  • ArgumentException if the security level is not 128 or 256 bits, indicating an invalid security level.

Example Usage:

Strobe strobeInstance = Strobe("MyCustomizationString", 128);

This factory constructor ensures that the Strobe instance is properly initialized and configured based on the provided parameters, allowing it to be used for secure protocol operations.


factory Strobe(String customizationString, StrobeSecParam security) {
  final int rate = (1600 ~/ 8) - security.value ~/ 4;
  Strobe s = Strobe._(
    io: 2,
    rate: rate,
    strober: rate - 2,
    posBegin: 0,
    curFlags: 0,
    storage: List<int>.filled(rate, 0),
    temp: List<int>.filled(rate, 0),
    buffer: List.empty(growable: true),
  List<int> domain = [1, rate, 1, 0, 1, 12 * 8];

  s._duplex(domain, false, false, true);

  s._initialized = true;
      true,, customizationString.codeUnits, 0, false);

  return s;