decrypt method

  1. @override
List<int>? decrypt(
  1. List<int> nonce,
  2. List<int> sealed, {
  3. List<int>? associatedData,
  4. List<int>? dst,

Decrypts sealed data using the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) with associated data (AEAD).

This method decrypts sealed data using the GCM mode, ensuring data integrity and authenticity with the associated data.


  • nonce: The nonce value used during encryption, must have a length equal to the GCM nonce length (12 bytes).
  • sealed: The sealed data that includes the ciphertext and authentication tag.
  • associatedData: (Optional) Additional data that was authenticated during encryption but not encrypted.
  • dst: (Optional) The destination for the decrypted data. If not provided, a new List<int> is created.


  • The decrypted data if authentication succeeds; otherwise, returns null if authentication fails.


  • ArgumentException if the provided nonce has an incorrect length, if the destination size is incorrect, or if the authentication tag verification fails.

Note: This method performs GCM decryption, verifying the authentication tag and ensuring the data's integrity and authenticity.


List<int>? decrypt(List<int> nonce, List<int> sealed,
    {List<int>? associatedData, List<int>? dst}) {
  if (nonce.length != nonceLength) {
    throw ArgumentException("GCM: incorrect nonce length");

  if (sealed.length < tagLength) {
    return null;

  final blockSize = _cipher.blockSize;

  final counter = List<int>.filled(blockSize, 0);
  counter.setAll(0, nonce);

  counter[blockSize - 1] = 1;

  final tagMask = List<int>.filled(blockSize, 0);
  _cipher.encryptBlock(counter, tagMask);

  counter[blockSize - 1] = 2;

  final calculatedTag = List<int>.filled(tagLength, 0);
  _authenticate(calculatedTag, tagMask,
      sealed.sublist(0, sealed.length - tagLength), associatedData);

  if (!bytesEqual(calculatedTag, sealed.sublist(sealed.length - tagLength))) {
    return null;

  final resultLength = sealed.length - tagLength;
  List<int> result = dst ?? List<int>.filled(resultLength, 0);
  if (result.length != resultLength) {
    throw ArgumentException("GCM: incorrect destination length");
  final ctr = CTR(_cipher, counter);
  ctr.streamXOR(sealed.sublist(0, sealed.length - tagLength), result);

  return result;