decrypt method
Decrypts the provided sealed data using ChaCha20-Poly1305 decryption.
This method takes a nonce, sealed data (which includes the ciphertext and authentication tag),
and optional associated data, and attempts to decrypt the sealed data. If the decryption is successful,
the plaintext data is returned in the List<int>
. If the decryption fails (e.g., due to an
incorrect tag or nonce), null
is returned.
: The nonce as a Listsealed
: The sealed data, including the ciphertext and authentication tag.associatedData
: Optional associated data that is not encrypted but used in the tag verification.dst
: An optional destinationList<int>
where the decrypted plaintext will be written.
if the provided nonce length is incorrect or if the destination length is incorrect.
- The
containing the decrypted plaintext data, ornull
if decryption fails.
Note: This method uses ChaCha20-Poly1305 decryption, including nonce handling, tag verification, and
associated data processing. If the authentication tag is incorrect, null
is returned to indicate
decryption failure.
List<int>? decrypt(List<int> nonce, List<int> sealed,
{List<int>? associatedData, List<int>? dst}) {
if (nonce.length > 16) {
throw ArgumentException("ChaCha20Poly1305: incorrect nonce length");
if (sealed.length < tagLength) {
return null;
final counter = List<int>.filled(16, 0);
counter.setRange(counter.length - nonce.length, counter.length, nonce);
final authKey = List<int>.filled(32, 0);, counter, authKey, nonceInplaceCounterLength: 4);
final calculatedTag = List<int>.filled(tagLength, 0);
_authenticate(calculatedTag, authKey,
sealed.sublist(0, sealed.length - tagLength), associatedData);
if (!bytesEqual(calculatedTag, sealed.sublist(sealed.length - tagLength))) {
return null;
final resultLength = sealed.length - tagLength;
List<int> result = dst ?? List<int>.filled(resultLength, 0);
if (result.length != resultLength) {
throw ArgumentException("ChaCha20Poly1305: incorrect destination length");
_key, counter, sealed.sublist(0, sealed.length - tagLength), result,
nonceInplaceCounterLength: 4);
return result;