generateK static method

BigInt generateK(
  1. BigInt order,
  2. BigInt secexp,
  3. Hash hashFunc(),
  4. List<int> data, {
  5. int retryGn = 0,
  6. List<int>? extraEntropy,

Generates a deterministic K value for ECDSA signatures.

This method implements the RFC6979 deterministic K value generation algorithm for use in ECDSA signatures. It takes various input parameters, including the curve order, secret exponent, a hash function, data, and optional extra entropy.


  • order: The order of the elliptic curve.
  • secexp: The secret exponent.
  • hashFunc: A hash function to use in the HMAC operations.
  • data: Additional data for K generation.
  • retryGn: The number of retries allowed in case of invalid K values.
  • extraEntropy: Optional extra entropy for K generation.


  • BigInt: The generated deterministic K value.


  • This method follows the RFC6979 algorithm for deterministic K value generation in ECDSA signatures. It utilizes the provided parameters to create a secure and deterministic K value suitable for ECDSA signature operations.
  • The optional 'extraEntropy' parameter allows you to introduce additional entropy for improved security if needed.
  • The method handles the entire K generation process according to the RFC6979 specifications and returns the generated K value.

Note: The RFC6979 algorithm ensures that K values are generated deterministically and securely, which is essential for cryptographic operations.


static BigInt generateK(
    BigInt order, BigInt secexp, Hash Function() hashFunc, List<int> data,
    {int retryGn = 0, List<int>? extraEntropy}) {
  int qlen = order.bitLength;
  final hx = hashFunc();
  int holen = hx.getDigestLength;
  int rolen = (qlen + 7) ~/ 8;

  List<List<int>> bx = [
    BigintUtils.toBytes(secexp, length: BigintUtils.orderLen(order)),
    BigintUtils.bitsToOctetsWithOrderPadding(data, order),
    extraEntropy ?? List.empty(),

  List<int> v = List<int>.filled(holen, 0);
  v.fillRange(0, holen, 0x01);

  List<int> k = List<int>.filled(holen, 0);

  HMAC hmac = HMAC(hashFunc, k);

  hmac.update(List<int>.from([...v, 0x00]));

  for (var i in bx) {
  k = hmac.digest();

  hmac = HMAC(hashFunc, k);
  v = hmac.digest();

  hmac = HMAC(hashFunc, k);
  hmac.update(List<int>.from([...v, 0x01]));

  for (var i in bx) {
  k = hmac.digest();

  // Step G
  v = HMAC(hashFunc, k).update(v).digest();

  // Step H
  while (true) {
    // Step H1
    List<int> t = List.empty();

    // Step H2
    while (t.length < rolen) {
      v = HMAC(hashFunc, k).update(v).digest();
      t = List<int>.from([...t, ...v]);

    // Step H3
    BigInt secret = BigintUtils.bitsToBigIntWithLengthLimit(t, qlen);

    if (secret >= && secret < order) {
      if (retryGn <= 0) {
        return secret;
      retryGn -= 1;

    k = HMAC(hashFunc, k).update(List<int>.from([...v, 0x00])).digest();
    v = HMAC(hashFunc, k).update(v).digest();