operator == method

  1. @override
bool operator ==(
  1. Object other

Equality operator for comparing two Edwards curve points.

This method checks if the current Edwards curve point is equal to another point by comparing their coordinates.


  • other: The object to compare with.


  • true if the points are equal, false otherwise.


bool operator ==(Object other) {
  if (other is EDPoint) {
    /// Create new coordinate lists to avoid modifying the original coordinates.

    List<BigInt> otherCoords = other.getCoords();

    /// Extract coordinates of the current point.
    BigInt x1 = _coords[0];
    BigInt y1 = _coords[1];
    BigInt z1 = _coords[2];
    BigInt t1 = _coords[3];

    ///  Extract coordinates of the other point.
    BigInt x2 = otherCoords[0];
    BigInt y2 = otherCoords[1];
    BigInt z2 = otherCoords[2];

    /// If the other point is infinity, check specific conditions.
    if (other.isInfinity) {
      return x1 == BigInt.zero || t1 == BigInt.zero;

    /// Check if the curve of the two points is the same.
    if (curve != other.curve) {
      return false;

    /// Retrieve the prime value (p) of the curve.
    BigInt p = curve.p;

    /// Calculate the normalized coordinates of both points.
    BigInt xn1 = (x1 * z2) % p;
    BigInt xn2 = (x2 * z1) % p;
    BigInt yn1 = (y1 * z2) % p;
    BigInt yn2 = (y2 * z1) % p;

    /// Check if the normalized coordinates are equal.
    return xn1 == xn2 && yn1 == yn2;

  return false;