decryptBlock method

  1. @override
List<int> decryptBlock(
  1. List<int> src, [
  2. List<int>? dst

This method takes a source block of ciphertext, decrypts it using the decryption key schedule, and returns the resulting plaintext. Optionally, you can provide a destination block (dst) to write the decrypted data into. If not provided, a new List


  • src: The source block of ciphertext to be decrypted, which must have a length of 16 bytes.
  • dst: An optional destination block to store the decrypted plaintext. If not provided, a new block is created.


  • ArgumentException if the source or destination block size is not 16 bytes.
  • StateError if the instance was created with the noDecryption option, indicating that decryption is not supported by this instance.


  • The decrypted plaintext block as a List


List<int> decryptBlock(List<int> src, [List<int>? dst]) {
  final out = dst ?? List<int>.filled(blockSize, 0);
  if (src.length != blockSize) {
    throw ArgumentException("AES: invaiid source block size");
  if (out.length != blockSize) {
    throw ArgumentException("AES: invalid destination block size");

  if (_decKey == null) {
    throw MessageException(
        "AES: decrypting with an instance created with noDecryption option");
  } else {
    _lib.decryptBlock(_decKey!, src, out);

  return out;