encode method
Encodes entropy bytes into an Electrum V2 mnemonic.
This method takes a List
: The entropy bytes to be encoded into an Electrum V2 mnemonic.
Returns an Electrum V2 mnemonic representing the encoded data.
Mnemonic encode(List<int> entropyBytes) {
final entropyInt = BigintUtils.fromBytes(entropyBytes);
/// Check if the entropy bits are sufficient for a valid mnemonic
if (!ElectrumV2EntropyGenerator.areEntropyBitsEnough(entropyInt)) {
throw ArgumentException(
'Entropy bit length is not enough for generating a valid mnemonic');
final n = BigInt.from(wordsList.length());
final mnemonic = <String>[];
BigInt tempEntropy = entropyInt;
/// Generate the mnemonic words from the entropy bytes
while (tempEntropy > BigInt.zero) {
final wordIdx = tempEntropy % n;
tempEntropy ~/= n;
/// Create an Electrum V2 mnemonic object from the generated words
final mnemonicObj = ElectrumV2Mnemonic.fromList(mnemonic);
/// Check if the resulting mnemonic is valid for the specified mnemonic type
if (!ElectrumV2MnemonicUtils.isValidMnemonic(mnemonicObj, mnemonicType)) {
throw ArgumentException(
'Entropy bytes are not suitable for generating a valid mnemonic');
return mnemonicObj;