CardanoShelley constructor
Constructor to create a Cardano Shelley wallet from Bip44 objects.
: The Bip44 Bip object for the wallet's address keys.bipSk
: The Bip44 Bip object for the wallet's staking keys.
Throws an ArgumentException
if the provided Bip object is below the account level or if bipSk
is not at the address index level.
CardanoShelley(Bip44Base bip, Bip44Base bipSk) {
if (bip.level.value < Bip44Levels.account.value) {
throw ArgumentException("The bipObj shall not be below account level");
if (bipSk.level != Bip44Levels.addressIndex) {
throw ArgumentException("The bipSkObj shall be of address index level");
bip44 = bip;
bip44Sk = bipSk;