hashToXAddress static method

String hashToXAddress(
  1. List<int> addrHash,
  2. List<int> xAddrPrefix,
  3. int? tag

Generates an XRP (Ripple) X-address from the provided address hash, X-Address prefix, and optional tag.

This method constructs an X-Address by combining the address hash, X-Address prefix, and an optional tag, and then encodes it using the Base58Check encoding with the Ripple alphabet.

addrHash The address hash used to generate the X-Address. xAddrPrefix The prefix for the X-Address, specific to mainnet or testnet. tag An optional tag associated with the X-Address. Must be lower than 2^32 for Ripple X-Addresses. returns The generated X-Address as a Base58Check encoded string. throws ArgumentException if the tag is invalid.


static String hashToXAddress(
    List<int> addrHash, List<int> xAddrPrefix, int? tag) {
  if (tag != null && tag > mask32) {
    throw ArgumentException(
        "Invalid tag. Tag should be lower than 2^32 for Ripple X address");
  List<int> addrBytes = [...xAddrPrefix, ...addrHash];
  List<int> tagBytes = writeUint64LE(tag ?? 0);
  addrBytes = [...addrBytes, tag == null ? 0 : 1, ...tagBytes];
  return Base58Encoder.checkEncode(addrBytes, Base58Alphabets.ripple);