decodeAddress static method
Decodes the given address, whether it is an X-Address or a classic address, and returns the address bytes.
This method attempts to decode the provided address as a classic XRP address using XrpAddrDecoder. If decoding as a classic address fails, it attempts to decode the address as an X-Address using decodeXAddress. Returns the decoded address bytes in both cases.
The address to be decoded, which can be either an X-Address or a classic address.
The optional prefix for the X-Address, specific to mainnet or testnet.
returns The decoded address bytes.
throws ArgumentException if the provided address is neither a valid X-Address nor a classic address.
static List<int> decodeAddress(String address, {List<int>? xAddrPrefix}) {
try {
try {
final decode = XrpAddrDecoder().decodeAddr(address);
return decode;
} catch (e) {
final xAddr = decodeXAddress(address, xAddrPrefix);
return xAddr.item1;
} catch (e) {
throw ArgumentException("invalid ripple X or classic address");