decodeAddr method
Overrides the base class method to decode a P2WPKH address.
This method decodes a P2WPKH address from the given input string using the Bech32 encoding. It expects an optional map of keyword arguments, with the 'hrp' key specifying the Human-Readable Part (HRP) of the address. It validates the arguments, decodes the address, checks the witness version, and returns the decoded address as a List
- addr: The Bech32-encoded P2WPKH address to be decoded.
- kwargs: Optional keyword arguments, with 'hrp' for the Human-Readable Part.
Returns: A List
- FormatException if the provided address has an incorrect witness version.
- ArgumentException if the Bech32 checksum is invalid.
List<int> decodeAddr(String addr, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
/// Validate address arguments and retrieve the Human-Readable Part (HRP)
AddrKeyValidator.validateAddressArgs<String>(kwargs, "hrp");
final String hrp = kwargs['hrp'];
/// Decode the Bech32-encoded P2WPKH address, and validate its length.
final decoded = SegwitBech32Decoder.decode(hrp, addr);
final witVerGot = decoded.item1;
final addrDecBytes = decoded.item2;
/// Check the witness version.
if (witVerGot != P2WPKHAddrConst.witnessVer) {
throw MessageException(
'Invalid witness version (expected ${P2WPKHAddrConst.witnessVer}, got $witVerGot)');
/// Return the decoded P2WPKH address as a List<int>.
return List<int>.from(addrDecBytes);